
Parattas - Pleating Process- Learn 3 different methods of pleating

The pleating process of Parattas is quite simple. But it is very important to follow certain steps regarding the same without any fail.

Here, I have added the pictures of 3 different methods of pleating. Hope you would pick the ones suitable and easier for preparation of parattas.

                             Method 1

After the dough is prepared, you may follow the steps followed in my earlier post. The link is given below: 

  • Make balls out of the dough and rolled out with the help of a rolling pin. 
  • Then start the pleating of the parattas. 
  • Pleating process is simple as making a paper fan. 
  • Just make sure that the pleats are crisp and then it is made into a pleated ball usually resembles a roll. 
  • Then you may use a rolling pin to spread the roll into a paratta.
  • Cook the rolled paratta and crush them with your hands as soon as you are serving it. 

Method 2

Method 2 makes use of the cutting process. 
  • You need to cut the chapati into long strips.
  • Take each strip and place it over the other
  • Roll it and spread it into paratta
  • Cook well and then crush with hands before serving

Method 3

Method 3 makes use of the rolling technique
  • Roll the chapati into a pipe shape
  • Roll it and spread it to form a paratta
  • Cook well in tava with ghee or oil
  • Serve hot and crush before serving

And here you are the final result of the 3 methods right in front of you!!

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