
Triangle Parattas

If you prefer a heavy dinner, trying out Parattas will be the best choice. Parattas can be made with wheat flour and they are healthy and tasty too. Adding ghee during the making will help to make it taste yummy, soft and fluffy. Paratta is an Indian flat bread that is loved by all.


·        Wheat Flour – 2 cups (Serves 2)
·        Salt
·        Water
·        Ghee


·        Take a large vessel
·        In the vessel, add wheat flour and salt
·        Add water and mix the flour to make it into  dough
·        Allow the dough to rest for 15 min
·        After 15 min, divide the dough into small balls
·        With the help of a rolling pin, roll each ball into thin circles
·        Now you may dab some ghee on it
·        Fold it into half and dab a bit of ghee on top
·        Now fold it once more to form a triangle
·        Now with the help of rolling pin, flatten the triangle
·        Heat a tava
·        Now you may cook the triangle parattas
·        Dab a bit of ghee and cook well
·        Serve hot with vegetable curry, dal curry or salad.

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