
Chicken Soup With Eggs

The first thing most mothers prefer to give when their kids get a very bad cold is to feed them with a tasty soup made out of Chicken stock. The hot steaming bowl of chicken soup can give a lot of relief for the ones suffering from cold. As a great fan of chicken soup, I never missed the opportunity during my childhood days to gobble a bowl of soup every Sunday. Sundays, as I have mentioned in the earlier posts, were the most special day in the whole week when I was a child. Both I and my brother had the opportunity to taste variety of tasty delicacies which make my mouth water even at the very thought of it.

Chicken soups can be made in a variety of techniques. The one being written here is one of the techniques which I have learnt from my Mom. Today, when I make soup for my family, I tend to remember the happy good old days. Chicken soup gives me a nostalgic feeling every time I have it. To make the chicken soup special, I have added one whole egg to it. If you love eggs, you may add them to the soup or else plain ones too taste better.

Serves 4.


·         Chicken –  ¼ kg
·         Onions -  2 large
·         Pepper Powder- ½ tsp
·         Tomato- 1
·         Salt


·         In a pressure cooker, add chicken pieces
·         To this you may add the cut onions and tomatoes
·         Now add 2 cups of water
·         Add pepper powder and salt
·         Make sure you do not add too much  of salt
·         Now close the lid of the pressure cooker and let it boil
·         After 2 or 3 whistles in low flame, you may switch off the stove
·         Let the cooker stay until the steam has gone completely
·         Open the lid of the cooker after the steam is released
·         Now with the help of a large spoon, remove the chicken pieces and put them in a separate plate
·         Remove the bones and take the meat alone for use
·         Strain the chicken stock so that you do not get any portion of tomatoes or onions disturbing you while having your soup
·         Add the boneless chicken to the strained soup
·         Add sufficient water to balance the taste
·         Check if you need more salt or pepper
·         Switch on the stove and place the cooker open
·         Let the soup boil
·         Now take an egg and beat it in a small bowl
·         With the help of a strainer, you may pour the beaten egg to the boiling soup
·         Pour the egg in a circular motion to avoid lumping of the egg
·         Egg will get cooked as soon as it falls into the boiling soup
·         Switch off the stove
·         Serve hot with crisp toasted bread
·         Enjoy!!

You can serve this soup with plain bread too. Bread in toasted form enhances the taste of the soup.

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