
Mutton Brain Perattiyathu

Mutton brain dry fry or perattiyathu is a typical dish of Kerala. It is extremely tasty and can be prepared within a few minutes. Make sure you consume it soon after it is cooked. In short, you need to serve it hot. This dish can be considered the specialty of Kerala, and is a good choice for Sunday Brunch.


Mutton Brain -   5 nos ( Since mutton brain is small, for serving four people, 5 nos is needed
Onions           -   2 nos
green chilly    -   1 small
Pepper powder-  1 tsp
Turmeric powder- a pinch
Salt                 - to taste (prefer to add little quantity since it needs less amount of salt)


1. Clean the brain well by carefully pulling off the thin membrane. Make sure that you hold the brain on your left hand and softly pull out the membrane with your right hand.

2. Wash the brain well and keep in a bowl

3. Dice onions, cut chilly

4. Heat  a pan and add some oil to it.

5. Add onions and chilly and saute well

6. Add turmeric and pepper powder to the onions and saute for 30 secs

7.Cut the brains into halves or quarters and add them to the onions

8.Add salt and close the lid of the pan for 10 mnts

9. After 10mnts, open the lid, turn off the stove

10 Serve piping hot

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