
Hot and Spicy Sausage

Sausages are tasty and yummy even without adding any spices. Sausages can be consumed after putting them into boiling salt water for a minute or two. The recipe is all about spicy sausages. This dish very tasty and healthy too, since it is loaded with onions, spices and herbs.

Right from my childhood, I loved sausages a lot. So my dad made it sure to that there was at least one dish made out of sausages. So here is my favorite sausage delicacy right for you guys!!


Cocktail Sausage - 1 packet
Onions  - 2 medium
Tomato sauce - 2 tbs
Chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric  - a pinch
Corriander leaves - a small bunch


1. For thawing the frozen sausage,  add them to a vessel with boiling salt water.
2. Grind Onions
3. Heat a pan and pour in sufficient oil
4. Add the ground onions and saute well
5. Now you may add chilly powder, turmeric powder and saute
6. Now add tomato sauce and salt ( Add only a small amount of salt sufficient for the onions, sausages have salt in them).
7. Add the cut sausages and mix well
8. Close lid for 10 mnts
9. Open lid and stir till dry
10. Add corriander leaves and serve hot.

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