
Kappa Puzhukku

Kappa or Tapioca is an all time favorite of the people of Kerala. The reason why tapioca gained popularity in this state lying at the southern tip of the Indian Sub continent is because long time ago, the majority of the people of Kerala were farmers. People who were not farmers by profession too had passion towards farming. Every backyard was a vegetable garden and people used to fence the area with tapioca plants.

Tapioca was the food of the working class and many ate it as the main course meal. Even to this day, Tapioca remains the favorite of the people of the state of Kerala, India. 

Kappa Puzhukku or Mashed Tapioca is the favorite Tapioca delicacy of the Keralites. It is served with steaming hot Fish curry, mutton curry, beef curry or even with plain coconut chutny.


  • Kappa/Tapioca- 1 Kg (Serves 4)
  • Coconut grating- 1 cup
  • Shallots- 6 nos
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Chilly powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin seeds powder - a pinch or two
  • Salt
  • Curry leaves
  • Coconut oil


  • In a mixer jar, add coconut gratings, shallots, garlic, cumin seeds powder, chilly powder, turmeric powder and curry leaves 
  • Grind them for 2 seconds. Do not make it to a fine paste
  • Keep it aside

  • Take a large vessel and add a lot of water to it and let it boil
  • Peel the skin off the tapioca. Clean the tapiocas and cut them into small pieces. Make sure that the fiber at the center portion of the tapioca is removed. 
  • Add the tapioca pieces into the boiling water and let it cook. Do not close the vessel with a lid.
  • Add 2 tsp of salt
  • After 15 min, you may find them well cooked. 
  • P.S. Make sure that you stay near while the tapioca is being cooked. Never let it over cook.
  • Drain off the water from the vessel as soon as you find the tapioca cooked perfectly well.
  • To the hot tapioca, add the ground coconut mix, a bit of salt if you find the tapioca needs any, curry leaves and a teaspoon of coconut oil
  • with a large spatula, you may mash the cooked tapioca pieces with the coconut mix and salt 
  • Serve hot with fish curry, mutton curry, chicken curry, beef curry or Simple Chutney made out of coconut gratings.
  • Enjoy!!! 

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