
Wheat Dosa with Sweet Coconut Stuffing

Whenever I think of a quick evening snack for the family, wheat dosa filled with sweet coconut grating comes in my mind. Here I have added an extra twist. I have added caramelized sugar for that extra taste and extra glaze.


Wheat flour- 2 cups
Coconut grating - 2 cups
Sugar - as per your taste
Salt - A pinch
Cardamom- a pinch (Optional)

For caramel

Sugar - 4 tbsp
Water - 1/2 cup



  • Take a pan and heat it
  • Add sugar and allow it to melt
  • As soon as sugar melts and turns into golden brown color, add water and let it boil
  • Switch off flame and keep it aside

Making the filling

  • In a bowl, add the coconut grating
  • Add sugar 
  • Add optional cardamon powder
  • Mix well and keep it aside
Making the dosa

  • Make batter out of the wheat flour with water and add a pinch of salt while mixing water
  • Heat a tava
  • Pour the batter into a large dosa
  • Add little bit ghee or vegetable oil and let the dosa gain crispiness
  • Now turn it to cook
  • Take a tablespoon full of coconut filling and place at the center of the dosa
  • Fold the dosa into a half and pour some batter at the edge to close the filling tight
  • Let it cook
  • Now pour the caramelized sugar on top of the dosa and turn it to get a golden brown glaze
  • Repeat with the other side
  • Serve hot with a dash of caramelized sugar on top
  • Enjoy!!

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