
Watermelon in Sugar and Lemon juice

We always welcome scorching hot summers with Watermelons and lemons. So why don't you combine them to get the super cool effect your body would love a lot?


  • Watermelon pieces- de-seeded 1/4 of a large water melon (serves 2)
  • Lemon - 1 small
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp (or more if you have a sweet tooth)
  • Mint - 2 to 4 leaves


  • Cut the watermelon into small cubes and de-seed them
  • Add the watermelon pieces to a bowl
  • Add strained lemon juice, Sugar and mix well with a large spatula
  • Remove to contents to a glass
  • Garnish with mint leaves
  • Enjoy a hot summer day with watermelons in lemon juice.

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