
Watermelon in Sugar and Lemon juice

We always welcome scorching hot summers with Watermelons and lemons. So why don't you combine them to get the super cool effect your body would love a lot?


  • Watermelon pieces- de-seeded 1/4 of a large water melon (serves 2)
  • Lemon - 1 small
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp (or more if you have a sweet tooth)
  • Mint - 2 to 4 leaves


  • Cut the watermelon into small cubes and de-seed them
  • Add the watermelon pieces to a bowl
  • Add strained lemon juice, Sugar and mix well with a large spatula
  • Remove to contents to a glass
  • Garnish with mint leaves
  • Enjoy a hot summer day with watermelons in lemon juice.


Khoorka Mezhukkuperatti

Khoorka or Chinese Potato is a favorite root vegetable which is also known as native potato or country potato in Africa. Khoorka mezhukkuperatti is a popular side dish for rice in the state of Kerala (India). Everyone likes it spicy with loads of chilly powder or chilly flakes. 


  • Khoorka or Chinese Potato- 1/2 kg
  • Shallots - 12 nos
  • Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
  • Red Chilly powder/ flakes - 1 tsp
  • Salt
  • Mustard seeds
  • Oil
  • Curry leaves 


  • Soak khoorka in water for 15 minutes
  • Scrape the skin and clean khoorka well
  • Cut khoorka into small pieces
  • Heat a pan and add coconut oil
  • Add in mustard seeds and pop them
  • Curry leaves are to be added now
  • In goes the khoorka pieces into the pan and saute adding salt, turmeric powder and chilly flakes/powder
  • Close the lid after simmering the flame
  • Takes around 15 minutes to get them cooked the right way. But make sure you occasionally stir it with a spatula.
  • After 15 minutes, you can remove the cooked khoorka to a serving bowl.
  • Serve hot with rice.


Boiled/ Steamed Vegetables

Staying fit and gaining that healthy glow is not an easy task. Controlling your junks and adding in a whole lot of greens does count a lot when you are into the world of fitness. 

To give your body the complete nutrients especially essential ones is easy when you prefer vegetables in your diet, and I must say there is no alternative to boiled vegetables when it comes to healthy food. 

Ingredients and method of preparation can be found after the picture presentation.


Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • Carrots - 1/2 kg
  • French Beans - 1/4 kg
  • Long Beans - 1/4 kg
  • Cauliflower - 1/2 no
  • Potatoes   - 3 nos
  • Salt
  • Butter - 1/4 stick (2 tbsp)


  • Cut the vegetables except potatoes into long pieces
  • Cut the potatoes into cubes
  • Blanch Cauliflower separately with salt and a dash of vinegar
  • Take out a steamer and add sufficient water to it
  • Place all the vegetable pieces including blanched cauliflower to the steamer tray
  • Close the lid and let the vegetables cook in steam for about 10-15 minutes
  • Make sure that the vegetables do not lose their crispiness.
  • Remove the contents to a bowl after 15 minutes
  • Add in sufficient amount of salt and mix well by tossing the bowl 
  • Now you may add 1/4 butter stick to the cooked vegetables. Toss it once more.
  • Serve hot.
  • This can serve as a starter for your meal or you can simply snack it up.
  • Enjoy!!


Chicken in Spices and Herbs

Planning for a wonderful Sunday surprise for your family? Then what are you waiting for? Try cooking chicken in a perfectly new way that can definitely spice up your Sundays.

The curry is loaded with spices and herbs, so as to give it an extra taste that you have never ever experienced before.


  • Chicken - 1 kg
  • Onions   - 3 medium
  • Cardamom - 2 -3 nos
  • Black pepper(Whole)- 6 to 7
  • Cloves - 2 nos
  • Ginger pieces- 1 inch piece finely chopped
  • Garlic cloves- 6 nos. Finely chopped
  • Kashimiri Chilly powder - 2 to 3 tsp
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Garam Masala - 2 tsp
  • Coriander powder - 3 tsp
  • Tomatoes - 2 medium
  • Rambha leaves- 2 nos
  • All spices leaves- 2 nos
  • Bay leaf  - 1
  • Mint leaves - a small bunch ( a cup of finely chopped mints would do)
  • Corriander leaves - a small bunch ( for garnishing)


  • Heat a large kadai and add coconut oil or vegetable oil (3 to 4 tbsps)
  • When the oil is heated, add cardamom, black pepper (Whole) and cloves. Allow them to pop
  • Now add All spices leaves, bay leaves and rambha leaves and saute for 2 mins
  • Add finely chopped onions and green chillies to the oil and saute well
  • Add ginger pieces and garlic pieces to the pan and saute well
  • In yet another pan or kadai, add Kashmiri red chilly powder, corriander powder and turmeric and roast well. Add half a cup of water and make it into a thick paste and keep it aside
  • Into the first kadai where the onions are sauted, add finely chopped tomatoes and saute till the tomatoes become soft and mushy
  • Now you can move on to add the chicken pieces with sufficient amount of salt
  • Stir well
  • Add the spice mix which is kept aside, to the chicken
  • Mix well and allow it to boil
  • Now close the kadai with a lid and let it cook for 15-20 mins
  • After the chicken pieces are cooked, switch off the flame and remove the contents to a serving dish.
  • Garnish with corriander leaves and rambha leaves
  • Serve hot with rice or chapatis.


Beef Curry

Kerala special Beef curry is a real delight for the taste buds. Preparing Beef curry is not a big deal. It is very simple, easy and when the right spices are added in the right proportion, you get the best curry for your lunch or dinner. The method is simple. I have actually used veal beef for making this curry. Veal beef is actually tender and tasty, and most important of all, takes less time to cook.
So here is the method of making veal beef curry-the kerala style.


  • Beef- 1 kg
  • Shallots - 15 numbers (You can even replace them for 2 large onions)
  • Ginger Garlic paste- 1 tsp
  • Tomato- 1
  • Red chilly powder- 1 1/2 tsp
  • Coriander powder- 3-4 tsp
  • Garam Masala powder- 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf- 1
  • All spices leaf- 2 
  • Rambha leaf- 1


  • In a pressure cooker add the meat after it is washed well.
  • Add sufficient amount of salt (Not too much) ;)
  • You may add a pinch of turmeric to it 
  • Close the lid and let it cook. Since I have picked veal beef, it simply needs 3 whistles from the cooker. Switch off and let it cool.
  • Take a kadai and heat it
  • pour in oil 
  • Add All spices leaves and rambha leaves
  • Saute and simmer
  • Now add the finely chopped shallots or onions as you prefer
  • Add green chillies and saute well
  • Now you may add the ginger garlic paste. Make sure that you add the ginger garlic paste after the shallots/onions have turned golden brown
  • Now in goes the spices - red chilly powder, corriander powder, a bit of turmeric and garam masala
  • Saute well
  • Add the finely chopped tomatoes and add sufficient salt for the onions and tomatoes
  • Now add the cooked beef to the pan and mix well
  • Allow the curry to boil
  • Now switch off flame and serve hot with rice or chapatis.
  • Enjoy!!